Punk Rock hailing from Cleveland, OH. Similar to Minor Threat
1. At Odds With The World
2. Chasing Kerouac’s Ghost
3. Bury Me in South Amherst
4. Dead Eagles, Dead Legends
5. Disconnect Yourself
6. For The Mothers and Fathers of the American Revolution
7. Hopelessly, I Hope
8. There is an Answer to Every Problem
9. Know My Tragedy
10. Kick Ass, Die Young
11. The Greatest of Men are The Most Alone
12. New Living Dead
13. Kids These Days
14. Social Casualties: Refuse to Rot Away
Wreak Havoc means to inflict disorder or chaos, which may be a perfect description for one of the most exciting bands to come onto the scene. Hailing from Cleveland, Ohio, the band has accomplished a ridiculous amount in just two years. Wreak Havoc formed in the spring of 2008 from the remnants of past Cleveland Hardcore band with a common purpose to play fast, honest and intense hardcore. WREAK HAVOC’s sound consists of a unique blend of early down trodden hardcore and fast paced hopeless punk rock.